Module: ol/format/WKB




Type Definitions


Name Type Description
splitCollection boolean
(defaults to false)

Whether to split GeometryCollections into multiple features on reading.

hex boolean
(defaults to true)

Returns hex string instead of ArrayBuffer for output. This also is used as a hint internally whether it should load contents as text or ArrayBuffer on reading.

littleEndian boolean
(defaults to true)

Use littleEndian for output.

ewkb boolean
(defaults to true)

Use EWKB format for output.

geometryLayout GeometryLayout
(defaults to null)

Use specific coordinate layout for output features (null: auto detect)

nodataZ number
(defaults to 0)

If the geometryLayout doesn't match with geometry to be output, this value is used to fill missing coordinate value of Z.

nodataM number
(defaults to 0)

If the geometryLayout doesn't match with geometry to be output, this value is used to fill missing coordinate value of M.

srid number | boolean
(defaults to true)

SRID for output. Specify integer value to enforce the value as a SRID. Specify true to extract from dataProjection. false to suppress the output. This option only takes effect when ewkb is true.