Module: ol/source/TileDebug




Type Definitions


Name Type Description
projection ProjectionLike
(defaults to 'EPSG:3857')

Optional projection.

tileGrid TileGrid | undefined

Tile grid.

wrapX boolean
(defaults to true)

Whether to wrap the world horizontally.

zDirection number | NearestDirectionFunction
(defaults to 0)

Set to 1 when debugging VectorTile sources with a default configuration. Choose whether to use tiles with a higher or lower zoom level when between integer zoom levels. See getZForResolution.

source TileSource | undefined

Tile source. This allows projection, tileGrid, wrapX and zDirection to be copied from another source. If both source and individual options are specified the individual options will have precedence.

template string
(defaults to 'z:{z} x:{x} y:{y}')

Template for labeling the tiles. Should include {x}, {y} or {-y}, and {z} placeholders.