Example showing a vector layer styled with a gradient.
This example creates a CanvasGradient
. The vector data is loaded from a file and features are filled with the gradient. The same technique can be used with a CanvasPattern
import Map from 'ol/Map.js';
import View from 'ol/View.js';
import KML from 'ol/format/KML.js';
import {DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO} from 'ol/has.js';
import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector.js';
import {fromLonLat} from 'ol/proj.js';
import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector.js';
import Fill from 'ol/style/Fill.js';
import Stroke from 'ol/style/Stroke.js';
import Style from 'ol/style/Style.js';
// Gradient and pattern are in canvas pixel space, so we adjust for the
// renderer's pixel ratio
const pixelRatio = DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO;
// Generate a rainbow gradient
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
const gradient = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 1024 * pixelRatio, 0);
gradient.addColorStop(0, 'red');
gradient.addColorStop(1 / 6, 'orange');
gradient.addColorStop(2 / 6, 'yellow');
gradient.addColorStop(3 / 6, 'green');
gradient.addColorStop(4 / 6, 'aqua');
gradient.addColorStop(5 / 6, 'blue');
gradient.addColorStop(1, 'purple');
const vectorLayer = new VectorLayer({
background: 'white',
source: new VectorSource({
url: 'data/kml/states.kml',
format: new KML({extractStyles: false}),
style: new Style({
fill: new Fill({color: gradient}),
stroke: new Stroke({
color: '#333',
width: 1,
const map = new Map({
layers: [vectorLayer],
target: 'map',
view: new View({
center: fromLonLat([-100, 38.5]),
zoom: 4,
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Styling feature with CanvasGradient or CanvasPattern</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/ol/ol.css">
.map {
width: 100%;
height: 400px;
<div id="map" class="map"></div>
<script type="module" src="main.js"></script>
"name": "canvas-gradient-pattern",
"dependencies": {
"ol": "10.4.0"
"devDependencies": {
"vite": "^3.2.3"
"scripts": {
"start": "vite",
"build": "vite build"