Module: ol/tilegrid/WMTS





createFromCapabilitiesMatrixSet(matrixSet, extent, matrixLimits){WMTSTileGrid}

import {createFromCapabilitiesMatrixSet} from 'ol/tilegrid/WMTS';

Create a tile grid from a WMTS capabilities matrix set and an optional TileMatrixSetLimits.

Name Type Description
matrixSet Object

An object representing a matrixSet in the capabilities document.

extent Extent | undefined

An optional extent to restrict the tile ranges the server provides.

matrixLimits Array.<Object> | undefined

An optional object representing the available matrices for tileGrid.

WMTS tileGrid instance.

Type Definitions


Name Type Description
extent Extent | undefined

Extent for the tile grid. No tiles outside this extent will be requested by TileSource sources. When no origin or origins are configured, the origin will be set to the top-left corner of the extent.

origin Coordinate | undefined

The tile grid origin, i.e. where the x and y axes meet ([z, 0, 0]). Tile coordinates increase left to right and downwards. If not specified, extent or origins must be provided.

origins Array<Coordinate> | undefined

Tile grid origins, i.e. where the x and y axes meet ([z, 0, 0]), for each zoom level. If given, the array length should match the length of the resolutions array, i.e. each resolution can have a different origin. Tile coordinates increase left to right and downwards. If not specified, extent or origin must be provided.

resolutions Array.<number>

Resolutions. The array index of each resolution needs to match the zoom level. This means that even if a minZoom is configured, the resolutions array will have a length of maxZoom + 1

matrixIds Array.<string>

matrix IDs. The length of this array needs to match the length of the resolutions array.

sizes Array<Size> | undefined

Number of tile rows and columns of the grid for each zoom level. The values here are the TileMatrixWidth and TileMatrixHeight advertised in the GetCapabilities response of the WMTS, and define each zoom level's extent together with the origin or origins. A grid extent can be configured in addition, and will further limit the extent for which tile requests are made by sources. If the bottom-left corner of an extent is used as origin or origins, then the y value must be negative because OpenLayers tile coordinates use the top left as the origin.

tileSize number | Size | undefined

Tile size.

tileSizes Array.<(number|module:ol/size~Size)> | undefined

Tile sizes. The length of this array needs to match the length of the resolutions array.