Module: ol/source/ImageTile




Type Definitions

Image tile loading function. The function is called with z, x, and y tile coordinates and returns an image or a promise for the same.


Name Type Description
url UrlLike | undefined

The image URL template. In addition to a single URL template, an array of URL templates or a function can be provided. If a function is provided, it will be called with z, x, y tile coordinates and loader options and should return a URL.

loader Loader | undefined

Data loader. Called with z, x, and y tile coordinates. Returns an image for a tile or a promise for the same. The promise should not resolve until the image is loaded. If the url option is provided, a loader will be created.

attributions AttributionLike | undefined


attributionsCollapsible boolean
(defaults to true)

Attributions are collapsible.

maxZoom number
(defaults to 42)

Optional max zoom level. Not used if tileGrid is provided.

minZoom number
(defaults to 0)

Optional min zoom level. Not used if tileGrid is provided.

tileSize number | Size
(defaults to [256, 256])

The pixel width and height of the source tiles. This may be different than the rendered pixel size if a tileGrid is provided.

gutter number
(defaults to 0)

The size in pixels of the gutter around data tiles to ignore. This allows artifacts of rendering at tile edges to be ignored. Supported data should be wider and taller than the tile size by a value of 2 x gutter.

maxResolution number | undefined

Optional tile grid resolution at level zero. Not used if tileGrid is provided.

projection ProjectionLike
(defaults to 'EPSG:3857')

Tile projection.

tileGrid TileGrid | undefined

Tile grid.

state State | undefined

The source state.

wrapX boolean
(defaults to true)

Render tiles beyond the antimeridian.

transition number | undefined

Transition time when fading in new tiles (in miliseconds).

interpolate boolean
(defaults to true)

Use interpolated values when resampling.

crossOrigin CrossOriginAttribute
(defaults to 'anonymous')

The crossOrigin property to pass to loaders for image data.

UrlLike{string} {Array.<string>} {UrlGetter}