Animating meteorite impacts

So far we have managed to get data from our CSV file rendered with WebGL, but the map is pretty uninteresting. We're using the mass of the meteorite to determine the radius of the circle, but we're not making use of the meteorite impact date that we parsed as the year property in our point features.

The year property for our meteorite features have values that range from 1850 to 2015. We'll set up an animation loop that increments the current year, render meteorites on their impact year, and then decrease their size and opacity as time passes.

As a first step, we'll get the animation loop going and render the current year to a <div> on top of the map. Add the following markup below the map container in your index.html:

<div id="year"></div>

Edit the <style> block to include the following rule:

#year {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 1em;
  left: 1em;
  color: white;
  -webkit-text-stroke: 1px black;
  font-size: 2em;
  font-weight: bold;

Now, back in main.js, we'll declare some variables to represent the time range of the data and the rate at which we want the animation to proceed. Add the following code above your const meteorites declaration in main.js:

const minYear = 1850;
const maxYear = 2015;
const span = maxYear - minYear;
const rate = 10; // years per second

const start =;

const styleVariables = {
  currentYear: minYear,

To be able to access the current year in style expressions, we need the styleVariables as variables property on the layer's style object:

variables: styleVariables,

Variables in a style object are numeric values that are available in expressions for calculations.

Next we need to assign our map instance to a map variable that we can reference later:

const map = new Map({

Below the map configuration, add the following render function to get the animation loop started.

const yearElement = document.getElementById('year');

function render() {
  const elapsed = (rate * ( - start)) / 1000;
  styleVariables.currentYear = Math.round(minYear + (elapsed % span));
  yearElement.innerText = styleVariables.currentYear;



If you got it all right, you should see the years rolling by in the lower left corner above the map.

Through the years
Through the years

We also add another layer option to the meteorites layer, which will improve the performance of the animation – we do not need to process hit detection data in every anmiation step.

disableHitDetection: true,

Now to show the temporal context on the map, we only want to show each meteorite for a period of 10 years, starting at the time of its impact. For this, we're adding a filter to the meteorites layer's style object:

filter: ['between', ['get', 'year'], periodStart, ['var', 'currentYear']],

The filter references a periodStart variable, which is an expression on its own that we need to define. While we're at it, we define a few more of those to use in the style object. Let's add the following above the const meteorites layer definition:

const period = 10;
const periodStart = ['-', ['var', 'currentYear'], period];
const decay = [
  ['get', 'year'],
  ['var', 'currentYear'],

The decay is an expression we're going to use to fade out circles by reducing their size and opacity. It gives us a value between 0 and 1, which we can apply as multiplier for the fade effect. To use it for reducing the size over time, we have to modify the size in the style object:

size: [
  ['+', ['*', ['clamp', ['*', ['get', 'mass'], 1 / 20000], 0, 1], 18], 8],

The existing expression is the fourth line of the new size expression.

For reducing the opacity over time, we also apply the decay to the opacity:

opacity: ['*', 0.5, decay],
Meteor shower
Meteor shower


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